Albany State University Introduces 2023-2024 Royal Court

Albany State University (ASU) crowned the 11th Mister and the 81st Miss Albany State University on March 25 in the Billy C. Black Auditorium during the Royal Renaissance 2023 Royal Court Competition.


Miss ASU















Christopher J. Sykes, a criminal justice major from Miami, Florida, was named Mister Albany State University.

Jordan N. Elder, an early childhood education major from Albany, Georgia, was named Miss Albany State University.

“I plan to implement my platform “Act Like A Student, Think Like A Ram.” Get ready to be rejuvenated, accommodated, and motivated through self-awareness, networking skills, and mental health,” said Elder.

“My platform is “King Meets World.” It targets male involvement, career readiness, and mental health awareness by advancing the student body through career opportunities, personal growth, and mental health improvement,” said Sykes.

Also serving on the court as the second attendant is Khristal R. McClellan, a biology major from Chattahoochee, Florida, and the first attendant is Kayla M. Burnham, a nursing major from Perry, Georgia.

2023 Royal Court

The competition can be watched on the University’s YouTube Channel.

The newly elected royal court will begin representing the university in the fall.