ASU Announces 2023 Blue and Gold Gala Champion of Education Award Honoree

On Saturday, April 1, during the Albany State University Foundation Blue and Gold Scholarship Gala, awards will be presented to alumni and supporters. The ASU Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2023 Champion of Education Award will be presented to Dr. Shaun Harper ('98).

Shaun Harper

Dr. Shaun Harper (’98) is an alumnus of Albany State University (ASU) with a bachelor’s in science. He obtained his master’s in science and Ph.D. in philosophy from Indiana University Bloomington. He now serves as Provost and Professor of Business and Education at the University of Southern California (USC), and the Executive Director of the USC Race and Equity Center.

United States President Joe Biden recently appointed Dr. Harper to the National Board for Education Sciences. He is best known for his extensive research on topics such as gender and race in social and educational contexts, equity trends and climate issues on college campuses, Black and Latino male student success in urban high schools and universities/colleges, college student engagement, and intercollegiate athletics.

He has published 12 books and over 100 articles and academic publications. Some journals in which he has published include: Review of Research in Education, Teachers College Record and Harvard Educational Review. 

Dr. Harper’s research has also been cited in over 18,000 published studies across various academic fields and disciplines.

Tickets to the gala may be purchased (by March 24) at

Additional information can be found at