Albany State University Band to Compete in HBCU Culture Battle of the Bands

The Albany State University (ASU) Marching Rams Show Band is one of six selected from 40 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to participate in the HBCU Culture Battle of the Bands Tour on November 5 in Charlotte, North Carolina.  

HBCU Battle of the Bands

“The opportunity to perform at the HBCU Culture Battle of The Bands is important for the Marching Rams Show Band.  This is the first time the band has performed at a national event of this magnitude since the Rose Bowl. It is extremely beneficial to perform at events such as this so that the band, as well as the school, gets the spotlight and recognition that is deserved. We are rehearsing daily with the intention of putting on the most entertaining 10 minutes we can produce. It is our time to shine,” said Director of Bands, William Brooks. William Brooks Conducting

Participating bands will also include Norfolk State, Kentucky State, Fayetteville State, Fort Valley State, and Florida A&M Universities. Each band will play a field show and a 1 VS 1 Stand Battle. Albany State University has been matched with Kentucky State University, where Director of Bands William Brooks previously served as the Assistant Director of Bands before transitioning to ASU. Mr. Brooks has doubled the band size since his arrival in April earlier this year. 

Desmond Hamm, Jr., the head drum major of the Marching Rams Show Band, says “the band is extremely excited about this competitive event. Getting the exposure is a great opportunity. Many new doors have opened for us this season. It’s been blessing after blessing.” Hamm is in his third and final year of serving as a drum major. He started as a freshman in the percussion section, “Platinum Forte,” playing cymbals, and is a graduating senior studying music education. 

The Battle of the Bands will occur on Sunday, November 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Charlotte, North Carolina, at the American Legion Memorial Stadium. Doors will open at 2:30 p.m., with showtime at 4 p.m. The band that receives the most votes will become the 2023 HBCU Culture Global Champion and win a cash grand prize and record deal with HBCU Culture Records. 

Drum Majors Performing

The HBCU Culture Battle of the Bands was started in 2018 and has helped over 5,000 students by providing scholarships. More information can be found at