Commencement Spotlight: Tia Pitts

Commencement Spotlight: Tia Pitts, Bachelor of Science in Management  

Future Plans: Commercial Banking/Audits, Wells Fargo 

Tia Pitts, an Atlanta, Georgia native and Merit Scholar, will graduate on December 9 from Albany State University (ASU) with a Bachelor of Science in Management. She is a Velma Fudge Grant Honors Program member and served as Miss Honors. While enrolled, she interned at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). She is passionate about serving God, painting, poetry, shopping, and trying new foods.  

Tia has secured job offers from Wells Fargo in commercial banking and audits.  


Why did you choose ASU?  Tia Pitts
I chose ASU because I wanted to go somewhere far away from home but not too far. I always knew I wanted to attend an HBCU because of the positive things I heard about them—fun, vibrant community, numerous on-campus activities, and more. It might sound crazy, but I also chose Albany State University because I heard about an awesome church in Albany called Rhema International Ministries. At that time, I knew I wanted to strengthen my relationship with God before heading off to college, as I anticipated a period where it would be just me and Him in a city I had never heard of.   


What motivated you to learn more about your field? 
My internship at the FDIC ignited my passion for the banking industry. The experience was enlightening, and I enjoyed the opportunity to apply my knowledge, skills, and ability to learn and grow, particularly in line with my degree.  


What do you love most about your chosen profession?  
What I love most about banking is the dynamic nature of the work. One week, you could be conversing with the CFO, and the next week, you're interacting with the President. I appreciate the diversity within the banking industry; there is always something new to learn and do. I find joy in learning new things and accepting challenges.  


Who has made the most significant impact on you, and who do you consider to be a role model at ASU?  
The first person who comes to mind as my role model at ASU is none other than Dr. Florence Lyons, a professor and the Director of the Velma Fudge Honor Society. She challenged me, pushed me, held me accountable, checked on me, cared about my goals and aspirations, and, most importantly, forced me outside of my comfort zone. Without her, I would not have had the courage to become Miss Honors over the Velma Fudge Honors Society. She believed in me, no matter what.  


What advice would you give to other ASU students?  
My advice to other students at Albany State University is simple: "Go for it." Once you set your mind on something, go for it! Don't let fear, friends, family, or anyone else hold you back, not even yourself. If you ever feel unsure about the direction to take—whether it's choosing a major, selecting a job, or deciding on a career—pause and wait. Don't let external pressures force you into a decision before you're ready. It's okay to slow down and not try to keep up with everyone else. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. You've got this, and I believe in you.  


What would you tell a high school student about choosing ASU to further their education?  

For high school students considering furthering their education at ASU, don't let the location of Albany, Georgia, deter you from attending Albany State University. Your college experience is what you make of it. Find a major you're passionate about and connect with your professors. Build rapport with them, attend office hours and study tables, respond to emails, and more—these connections are crucial. In summary, I say all of this to emphasize: "GO FOR IT! GO RAMS!! I love my HBCU!!!"