Student Spotlight: Jordan Elder

Jordan Elder, from Albany, Georgia, is a senior early childhood education major at the indestructible Albany State University (ASU). She is a proud member of the Gamma Sigma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., a member of the cross country and the track and field teams at ASU. She also serves as the 81st Miss Albany State University during the 2023 - 2024 academic year.

Jordan Elder, 81st Miss ASU

What inspired you to join the royal court at ASU?
Honestly, I believe that I wanted to see  what it’s  like being in a role as such. I wanted to test my thought process and skills to try to do something and get into something new besides sports.

What are some of your goals during your time as Miss/Mr. ASU?
My goals during my reign would be to make sure all students are feeling involved and are enjoying themselves at ASU and to be as supportive as I can be on a mental and physical level as a Queen.

Why did you choose ASU to pursue your education?
I picked ASU to purse my education because it gave me a better start as a freshman than I think I would’ve had if I went to another school. ASU is such a loving and supportive environment for someone looking for a home away from home.

What are you passionate about outside of your education?
I believe I am passionate about making sure I remain true to myself in any role I am in. I want others to see me as someone they can feel comfortable with. I am also passionate about my trust and faith in Jesus Christ. 

Who has made the biggest impact on you at ASU?
I would say my friends, family, and sisters that I surround myself with has had the biggest impact on me at ASU. They encourage and push me to be the best at everything that I plan and put my mind to achieve.

What advice or words of encouragement would you give to students looking attend ASU?
The future belongs to you!! Remember that each day is a chance to make progress and become a better version of yourself so why not come and enhance yourself at the number one public HBCU in Georgia, ASU!! Go Rams!!