Commencement Spotlight: Darryl Polk
Commencement Spotlight: Darryl Polk, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Future Plans: Miami, Florida Fire Academy
Darryl Polk, a Columbus, Georgia native, will graduate on May 7 with a Bachelor of
Science degree in Criminal Justice. He is a member of Men Advocates for Leadership,
Excellence, and Success (MALES) Mentors, the Criminal Justice Club, the Cultural Exchange
Club, Changing Obstacles by Motivating Positive Accountability for Student Success
(COMPASS), and ASU We Are One. During his time at Albany State University, he has
participated in many community service projects. A scholar committed to academic excellence,
he has made the dean’s list multiple times. After graduation, he plans to attend the
Fire Academy located in Miami, Florida.
What motivated you to learn more about your field?
I was motivated by criminal justice because I was surrounded by people with bad intentions,
who tried to make right wrong and wrong right. I studied criminal justice because
I want to know more about the justice system.
Why did you choose ASU?
I originally applied to Darton State College. I came here when the merger began. Initially,
I was very insecure about the idea of attending a 4- year University, but now I have
no regrets about attending ASU. I love it here! Most importantly, I love the friends
I have met at ASU, my peers and my advisors.
How did ASU prepare you to succeed after matriculation?
ASU has prepared me for many things, such as being on time for interviews, appropriate
attire and public speaking, being positive, and researching jobs and companies before
I attend interviews.
What do you love most about your chosen profession?
I love helping people and respecting people.
Who at ASU has made the biggest impact on you and who do you consider to be a role
model at ASU?
Dr. Kenneth W. Kirsch and Mildred Polite. Coach Kirsch and I go way back to my freshmen
year. He taught me many important life lessons, but the main thing he taught me was
to never give up. Things don’t become easier. You just get stronger. Coach taught
me that when life knocks you down, try to land on your back because if you can look
up, you can get up.
Mrs. Polite has taught me a lot. She reminds me that the past does not determine your
future and that every great person has had obstacles to overcome and barriers to break.
What advice would you give to other ASU students?
Things get worse before they get better. Staying positive doesn't mean you have to
be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better
days coming.
What would you say to a high school student about choosing ASU to further their education?
You will not regret your choice, ASU is a home and you know you are welcome here.