Missing Persons Protocol

There is no waiting period for reporting a missing person. If a member of the Albany State campus community has reason to believe that a person who resides in on-campus housing and/or participants in an Albany State University sponsored activity is missing, he or she must immediately notify the Albany State University Police Department.

Contact Albany State University Police Department

· Emergency Line: 229-430-4711 or call 9-1-1.
· Non-Emergency LIne: 229-430-0528
· Download the LiveSafe App

Please note: When placing a wireless 9-1-1 call in the vicinity of Albany State University, the call will go directly to the City of Albany 9-1-1 Communications Center. Albany 9-1-1 will then contact the Albany State University Police Department Communications Division ensuring you receive the assistance you need.

Purpose: The Missing Persons Protocol contains the official notification procedures of Albany State University concerning reports of missing persons who reside on campus and/or participants in an ASU sponsored activity, in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. Because individuals other than those enrolled in classes at Albany State University may reside in the campus housing facility, the intent is to cover those persons as well.

Scope: The Missing Persons Protocol should be adhered to by all members of the Albany State University campus community, faculty, staff, and students. It outlines the actions which will be taken when a person is reported missing and it is determined the he or she has been missing for 24 hours or greater.

Background: The Missing Persons Protocol is a direct result of the Higher Education Act of 2008. It requires institutions of higher education participating in federal student aid programs to establish policies and procedures for responding to reports of missing persons who reside in on-campus housing. The Missing Persons Protocol outlines specific requirements for how Albany State University must handle and investigate reports of missing students, including prompt notification of law enforcement and appropriate campus officials, as well as communication with the student's designated emergency contact. By implementing the Missing Persons Protocol, Albany State University aims to enhance campus safety and ensure a coordinated and effective response to situations involving missing persons.

The Missing Persons Protocol

Within the University, responsibility for the investigation of a missing person report rests with the Albany State University Police Department. Albany State University Police Department will exercise particular care in instances involving individuals who may be mentally or physically impaired, missing or unidentified children, and others who are insufficiently prepared to take care of themselves. Regardless of whether a person is a minor or emancipated, the same procedures are followed. Any report of a missing student not made to the Albany State University Police Department must be referred to them immediately for the purposes of conducting an investigation.

An individual will be considered missing if a roommate, classmate, faculty/staff member, family member, or other campus personnel has not seen the person in a reasonable amount of time (24 hours is the norm). A reasonable amount of time for assessing a missing person's situation depends on various factors, including the time of day and the information available about the missing person's daily schedule, habits, and punctuality. Individuals will also be considered missing immediately, if their absence has occurred under circumstances that are suspicious or cause concerns for their safety.

Following receipt of a missing persons report, the Albany State University Police Department Communications Officer will dispatch and assign an officer for an initial investigation. Responding officers will document and investigate the factual circumstances surrounding the disappearance in accordance with departmental directives. Should the investigation result in the conclusion that the student is missing, and has been missing for 24 hours, the Albany State University Police Chief or his/her designee:

  • will notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency not later than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined missing, unless the local law enforcement agency was the entity that made the determination that the student was missing.
  • will initiate the emergency contact procedures in accordance with the student's designations as outlined  in the Albany State University’s policy and protocol.
  • will also notify the student’s parent or legal guardian, If the missing person is under the age of 18 and is not emancipated in addition to notifying the student’s registered confidential contact, if different.


Please Note: Missing person reports involving  Albany State University students who do not reside in on-campus housing will be directed by the Albany State University Police Department to the police department having jurisdiction over the student's local residence, if identifiable. If the local residence cannot be determined, the student's permanent residence will be referred to.

In the event that a student is reported missing while participating in an Albany State University-sponsored or sanctioned event, including but not limited to global sites or sponsored travel, individuals should promptly contact both the Albany State University Police Department and the police department with jurisdiction over the student's last known location.

Confidential Emergency ContactAlbany State University provides each student with the means and opportunity to register their "Confidential Emergency Contact" information by logging into the Banner Web system and filling out the  information form. Confidential Emergency Contact information is separate and distinct from general emergency contact information. Confidential Emergency Contact information will be considered private and only assessable to authorized University employees and law enforcement personnel in the furtherance of a missing student investigation.

More Information regarding the Albany State University MIssing Persons Policy can be found here.