Campus Safety at ASU

Play It Safe at Albany State! Your safety is our top priority. Preparedness plays a crucial role in any  emergency situation. Our goal is to equip the campus community with tips to reduce the risk of crime victimization.Stay vigilant and take proactive steps to protect yourself and those around you. If You See Something, Say Something!

Contact Albany State University Police Department

  • Emergency Line: 229-430-4711
  • Non-Emergency Line: 229-430-0528
  • Administrative Line: 229-500-3088
  • Albany 911 Center: 9-1-1
  • Download the LiveSafe App

Our goal is to equip the campus community with tips to reduce the risk of crime victimization. If You See Something, Say Something! The Albany State University Police Department offer free services to include: vehicle jump-offs, vehicle unlock assistance, engraving, escorts, and safety programs.

Please note: When placing a wireless 9-1-1 call in the vicinity of Albany State University, the call will go directly to the City of Albany 9-1-1 Communications Center.  Albany 9-1-1 
Communications will then contact the Albany State University Police Department Communications Division ensuring you receive the assistance you need.

Please Note: Albany State University Police Department will no longer utilize the Blue Light Emergency Phones.While Blue Light Emergency Phones have traditionally been a prominent feature on the Albany State University Campuses, advancements in mobile technology and the widespread use of cell phones have made it easier for the campus community to report emergencies quickly and efficiently from wherever they are on campus. The Albany State University Police Department recommends the LiveSafe App

House Bill 673 Hands Free Law

House Bill 673 also known as the “Hands Free Law” was passed by the Georgia General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Nathan Deal. The Hands Free Law took effect on July 1, 2018. The Hands-Free law in Georgia prohibits the following:

    • Reading, writing or sending text messages or emails
    • Taking photos or recording videos
    • Using the internet
    • Posting on a social media platform
    • Holding a phone in your hand or another part of your body

Remember, safety is a shared responsibility, and by working together, we can create a safer campus environment for everyone. If you have any specific safety concerns or questions, contact Albany State University Police Department.

  • Download the LiveSafe App.
  • Familiarize yourself with the layout of campus.
  • Use the crosswalks when crossing the street.
  • Walk with confidence, keep your head up, and look at what is around you.
  • Choose well-lit walkways at night. Avoid shortcuts through isolated areas.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Have your keys ready to unlock your door when you approach your vehicle.
  • Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Travel in a group.
  • Keep your keys separate from your purse or backpack.
  • Avoid overloading yourself with bags or packages.
  • Avoid wearing ear buds in both ears or using your phone in a way that impairs your ability to respond to dangerous situations.
  • Always lock your door; especially when you’re sleeping or showering.
  •  Avoid propping your door, even for a quick trip down the hallway.
  • Report lost or stolen keycards immediately.
  • Report malfunctioning doors, windows, and locks immediately.
  • Do not allow individuals to enter the dorm behind you when you swipe in.
  • Avoid opening your door for uninvited or unknown guests.
  • Secure your valuables. Consider having them engraved and logged by ASU PD.
  • Avoid leaving your jewelry, debit cards, keys, wallets, RAM ID, or other valuables in view.
  • Report suspicious people or activities to your RA’s and to ASU PD.

Traffic is heavier and more unpredictable on and around the campus. You’ll encounter more pedestrians, cyclists, and skateboarders than in other parts of a city.

  • Buckle Up: Always wear your seatbelt.
  • Put your phone in a phone holder to comply with the Georgia Hands Free Law.
  • Adhere to posted speed limits and other driving rules.
  • Use Vehicle Signals: Signal your intentions, even in dorm areas and parking lots.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions like phones or friends while driving.
  • Be Aware of Pedestrians: Don’t assume they see you or will practice proper safety near the road
  • Keep your valuable items locked in your trunk or console.
  • Keep your vehicle locked at all times, even when you’re sitting inside. 
  • If you are working late, let someone know where you are and how long you expect to be.
  • Call ASU PD for an escort if you feel uneasy.
  • Keep your purse or bag locked in a drawer or filing cabinet.
  • Keep emergency phone numbers stored in your phone.
  • Report suspicious people or activity to ASU PD.
  • Do not allow others to enter behind you when you swipe in the building.
  • Do not loan your office keys to anyone.
  • Report lost or stolen keys immediately.

Be selective with what you share! Remember, what happens online, stays online! Once content is posted or shared you cannot get it back or control where it goes.

  • Beware of unsolicited requests for information.
  •  Never give your personal information out to anyone.
  • Avoid calling numbers from suspicious emails or text messages.
  • Avoid clicking any links in suspicious emails or text messages.
  • Never deposit checks in your account from unknown sources. If it sounds too good to be true, it is!
  • Financial institutions will never request you send them sensitive information via email or pop-ups.
  • If you receive a suspicious-looking email it is best to delete it. If you do have an account with the entity mentioned in the email, call your local office from the number listed on your bill. 

Be willing to ask for help! If anything seems suspicious, contact Albany State University Police Department and speak with an officer about your concerns!

Parking Services

Albany State University Police Department and Parking Services Supervisor, Brandon Willis, strive to provide safe and convenient parking for all members of the campus community. The parking procedures are enforced to ensure motorists with disabilities have accessible parking, minimize parking inconveniences with reserved parking spaces, and to ensure that emergency vehicles have access and the right of way. 

Albany State University Parking Services reserves the right to change parking procedures. The University will provide students, faculty, and staff with notice of any changes as early as possible. The purpose of these procedures and regulations is to facilitate safety, maintain orderly conduct of the University’s business, and to provide appropriate parking in support of these functions within the limits of available spaces. Vehicles which are illegally parked are cited and may be impounded.


Please review the Parking Permit Process and Vehicle Registration Information.