Emergency Preparedness

The Emergency Operations Plan is a comprehensive document developed by Emergency Management to outline protocols and procedures for responding to and managing various types of emergencies or disasters, ensuring a coordinated, effective, and timely response to emergencies, with the goal of protecting lives, minimizing property damage, and facilitating recovery efforts.

Contact Albany State University Police Department

Remember, calling the Albany State University Police Department is the most critical step in responding to an emergency on campus. It is always better to report a potential emergency and have it turn out to be nothing than to hesitate and risk a serious outcome. Your quick action could make a significant difference in someone's life.

  • Emergency Line: 229-430-4711
  • Non-Emergency Line: 229-430-0528
  • Administrative Line: 229-500-3088
  • Albany 911 Center: 9-1-1
  • Download the LiveSafe App

    Please Note:
    Albany State University Police Department will no longer utilize the Blue Light Emergency Phones. While Blue Light Emergency Phones have traditionally been a prominent feature on the Albany State University Campuses, advancements in mobile technology and the widespread use of cell phones have made it easier for the campus community to report emergencies quickly and efficiently from wherever they are on campus. The Albany State University Police Department recommends the LiveSafe App

Emergency Notifications:  Albany State University Police Department uses the LiveSafe App to communicate important information to students, faculty, and staff during emergency situations. By utilizing the LiveSafe App, the department can reach subscribers quickly and effectively, ensuring that critical information is received in a timely manner. The Audible Siren System provides an additional layer of emergency notification by using warning sirens, chimes, and audible messages. This system can help alert individuals who may not have access to electronic communication devices or who may be outdoors on campus. The Albany State University webpage and social media pages may also be utilized to provide emergency information to the Albany State University campus community. 

Staying calm, focused, and proactive is key to effectively responding to emergencies and ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself and others. By following established guidelines and taking appropriate actions, you can contribute to a more coordinated and effective emergency response. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Activate the fire alarm pull station and proceed to the nearest exit.
  • Evacuate the building immediately.
  • Call Albany State University Police at 229-430-4711 or dial 9-1-1.

Instructions for Evacuation:

  • Stay calm, do not rush or panic.
  • Use the nearest stairs and proceed to the nearest exit. 
  • Do not use the elevators.
  • Proceed to your designated assembly area and report to your roll taker.
  • Call ASU PD at 229-430-4711
  • Wait for any instructions from emergency responders.
  • Do not re-enter the building until you have been instructed to do so by emergency responders.
  • Those with access and functional needs, notify supervisors/co-workers if you need assistance evacuating
  • Call Albany State University Police at 229-430-4711.
  • Be as specific as possible when giving ASU PD your location. What building are you in? What floor? Which room?
  • Describe the injuries/symptoms that the patient is experiencing.
  • If the patient can speak, ask their name and any medical conditions they may have. (Diabetes, Seizures, Heart issues)
  • Ask the patient what medications they have taken.

General guidance for handling a medical emergency involves several key steps to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual in need of assistance.

  • Stay calm and reassure the patient that help is on the way.
  • Ask someone else to meet police officer and/or the ambulance outside the building to aid their ability to locate the victim in a timely manner.
  • Use precautions to prevent your exposure to bodily fluids.
  • Refrain from moving the patient unless it is absolutely necessary for safety reasons.
  • If you determine that the patient doesn't have a pulse and is not breathing, begin CPR (only if you have been trained in this technique).
  • Ask someone to locate the closest AED.
  • Try to keep the patient awake by engaging them in conversation.
  • Call Albany State University Police at 229-430-4711 or dial 9-1-1. 
  •  Use the LiveSafe App to provide information.
  • Make sure you are not in immediate danger. Get to a safe place for cover.
  • Silence your phone and any other electronic devices to avoid drawing attention to your location. Do not use your phone unless it is absolutely necessary to communicate with emergency services.
  • Avoid pulling the fire alarm and be aware if the fire alarm is pulled. The shooter may pull the alarm to gain access to potential victims.
  • Run, Hide, Fight: Remember the "Run, Hide, Fight" protocol:

    • Run: If you can safely escape the area, do so immediately. Leave belongings behind and encourage others to come with you. Have an escape route and plan in mind.
    • Hide: If you cannot safely run, find a place to hide where you are less likely to be found. Lock and barricade doors, turn off lights, and remain quiet. Silence your phone and stay out of the shooter's view.
    • Fight: If confronted by the shooter and running or hiding is not an option, be prepared to fight for your life. Act aggressively, improvise weapons, and work together with others to overpower the shooter.
  • If you barricade in a safe area, turn off lights, cell phone and keep quiet until an all clear is presented by the police.
  • Remain as calm as possible and try to keep others around you calm as well. Panic and confusion can exacerbate the situation and hinder your ability to respond effectively.

All Faculty, Staff and Students should attend training provided by the Albany State University Police Department on how to respond and react to an “Active Shooter Incident.”

Dealing with severe weather requires preparation, vigilance, and appropriate action to ensure safety. 

  • Stay Informed. Monitor weather forecasts and warnings from reliable sources such as the National Weather Service (NWS), local news outlets, or weather apps.
  • Seek Shelter: When severe weather strikes, seek shelter in a sturdy building or designated safe location. Stay away from windows, doors, and exterior walls, and move to the lowest level of the building if possible. 

Tornado Warning: Seek Shelter Immediately!

  • A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted, or indicated by weather radar, in the area.
  • It is important to monitor local TV and radio stations, weather radio, weather related internet sites, etc., for severe weather updates.
  • Be prepared to take shelter in designated shelter areas and proceed to the lowest point in a building.
  • The ASU PD will send out a LiveSafe message and sound the Emergency Sirens in the event of a Tornado Warning.
  • Do not pull fire alarms.
  • Stay away from windows and avoid the outside area to include vehicles.

Tornado Watch: Make Preparations.

  • Conditions support the development of tornadoes.

Hazardous Materials 

  • Report the incident to ASU PD at 229-430-4711 include the following details:
  • Your location (building, floor/room, etc).
    • If anyone was exposed to Hazardous Materials by inhalation, ingestion or contact.
    • If there are any injuries. Describe injuries.
    • The nature of the spill/release (name of chemical, amount, is there an odor, are there irritants?).
  • Remove yourself from the immediate area, but do not contaminate others if you have come into contact with the material.
  • If contaminated, limit the spread of the material by isolating yourself from others.
  • If eyes are contaminated, immediately flush your eyes in an eyewash station for a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • For exposed skin and clothes, stand under an emergency decontamination shower for a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • Safely notify occupants in the immediate area, appropriate supervisory personnel, and the Building Manager.
  • Bomb threats are usually called in by phone. Always remain calm and obtain as much information as possible from the caller.
  • Where is the bomb located? (Building area, floor, room, etc.)
  • When does it look like?
  • What time is the bomb going off?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • Did you place the bomb?
  • What is your name?
  • Notify the ASU PD at 229-430-4711 or 9-1-1 immediately to give the information you have obtained- Describe the caller’s voice, any background noises you heard, and the exact wording of the message.
  • If the bomb threat is received by a handwritten note, call the ASU PD (229) 430-4711 and handle the note as minimally as possible.
  • Do not touch suspicious packages! Be sure to inform the ASU PD of any suspicious packages, items or people in the area.
  • Follow instructions from the Building Safety and Security Representative and the first responders in regards to evacuation assembly areas.