Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications

Both Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications are essential for keeping the campus community informed and safe during emergencies. By promptly communicating threats and providing guidance on how to respond, Albany State University Police Department can help individuals take appropriate action to protect themselves and others. Effective communication and coordination are key to ensuring a swift and coordinated response to emergencies and mitigating the impact on campus safety.

Sign Up for LiveSafe to Receive Timely Warnings & Emergency Notifications from ASU PD.

Albany State University has implemented a multi-layered approach to providing important information to the campus community. Our emergency notification systems are designed to reach Albany State University students, faculty, and staff in a variety of ways with immediate emergency messaging.

  • The LiveSafe App enables administrators to send mass notifications and emergency alerts to users, keeping them informed about safety threats, campus closures, or other critical information. These notifications can be customized based on location, user groups, and specific incidents.
  • The Audible Siren System is manually activated by ASU PD personnel in the event of an emergency. The system uses warning sirens, chimes, and audible messages.
  • The Albany State University webpage and social media pages may also be utilized to provide emergency information to the Albany State University campus community.

Timely Warning Procedures:

The Clery Act requires universities and colleges to alert the campus community to certain crimes in a manner that is timely and will aid in the prevention of similar crimes. These alerts serve as critical tools for promoting campus safety, preventing crime, and empowering individuals to take proactive steps to protect themselves and others from harm. 

In the event that

  • A Clery Crime is reported
  • Within the Clery Geography of Albany State University
  • That, in the judgment of the Albany State University Chief of Police or his/her designee, constitutes a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community, 

Then, a campus-wide Timely Warning will be issued by the communications officer on duty, as soon as correct and pertinent information is available. Timely Warnings are meant to reach the entire campus community and are sent via the Livesafe App.

Timely warnings are typically issued for Clery Crimes that represent a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community. By alerting the campus community to specific crimes or safety threats, institutions aim to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Timely warnings provide individuals with awareness of potential risks and encourage them to take proactive measures to avoid dangerous situations and protect themselves and others.

Emergency Notification Procedures:

The Clery Act requires universities and colleges to issue emergency notifications to the campus community in the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, faculty, and staff on campus.

In the event a situation arises, that, in the judgment of the Albany State University Chief of Police or his/her designee, constitutes a significant emergency or dangerous situation, a campus-wide Emergency Notification will be issued. Emergency Notifications are meant to reach the entire campus community but may be segmented, if appropriate. This notification is sent by the communications officer on duty. The methods of communication used include the LiveSafe App and the university email system. Albany State University will also post updates during a critical incident on their homepage.