RSO Rights and Responsibilities


What Are Our Rights, Responsibilities and Obligations?

RSOs are bound by the same regulations within the Student Code of Conduct that apply to individual students.

Responsibilities of Student Organizations

  1. Annual Registration: Organizations must complete the registration process annually to maintain their status as a recognized student organization.
  2. Adherence to Policies: Organizations must comply with all university policies, procedures, and guidelines.
  3. Advisor Engagement: Maintain an active relationship with a full-time faculty or staff advisor who provides guidance and support.
  4. Financial Accountability: Properly manage and account for any funds received, including student fees and other sources of income.
  5. Event Planning and Management: Plan and execute events in a manner that is safe, inclusive, and respectful of the university community.
  6. Risk Reduction: Reduce risks by effectively planning events, not establishing erroneous third-party partnerships, and not inviting outsiders to campus without prior university approval.
  7. Documentation and Reporting: Maintain accurate records of meetings, events, and financial transactions. Submit required documents such as the Organization Constitution, Advisor Agreement form, and rosters.
  8. Inclusivity: Ensure that membership and activities are open to all students, promoting a diverse and inclusive environment.
  9. Conflict Resolution: Address and resolve any internal conflicts in a fair and respectful manner, seeking assistance from the Office of Student Engagement when necessary.
  10. Service and Contribution: Contribute positively to the university and the wider community through service and active participation.
  11. Communication: Maintain regular communication with the Office of Student Engagement and respond promptly to any inquiries or requests for information.


Responsibilities of Student Organization Advisors

  1. Guidance and Support: Provide guidance and support to student leaders in achieving the organization's goals and objectives.

  2. Knowledge of University Policies: Understand and communicate university policies, procedures, and guidelines relevant to student organizations.

  3. Attend Meetings: Attend organization meetings regularly to provide input, advice, and assistance as needed.

  4. Assist with Planning and Decision-Making: Assist student leaders in planning events, making decisions, and resolving conflicts when necessary.

  5. Promote Student Development: Support the personal and leadership development of student members by providing opportunities for growth and learning.

  6. Serve as a Liaison: Serve as a liaison between the organization and university administration, helping to facilitate communication and collaboration.

  7. Ensure Compliance: Ensure that the organization operates in compliance with university policies and regulations.

  8. Act as a Role Model: Serve as a positive role model for student members, demonstrating professionalism, integrity, and ethical behavior.

  9. Emergency Response: Be prepared to assist in emergency situations and provide guidance to students on appropriate courses of action.

  10. Conflict Resolution: Help mediate conflicts within the organization and between the organization and other campus entities.

  11. Encourage Accountability: Encourage accountability among student leaders and members by setting expectations and holding them accountable for their actions.

  12. Advocate for the Organization: Advocate for the needs and interests of the organization within the university community and beyond.

  13. Stay Informed: Stay informed about relevant campus events, resources, and opportunities that may benefit the organization.

  14. Risk Reduction: Act as a responsible employee by promptly reporting issues to the appropriate office in a timely manner. Additionally, advisors must ensure that the organization and its members do not engage in negligent behavior that could harm individuals or the university community.


Advisor Resources