Join A Student Organization

Whether your passion is sports, singing or service, Albany State’s Office of Student Engagement has the thing for you!

Student Leaders

The Student Leadership & Development area under the auspices of the Office of Student Engagement offers students leadership opportunities through more than 60 student clubs and organizations. Student groups range from student government to the arts, community service, Greek Life and more, affording everyone a niche in which to participate. In addition, The Student Leadership & Development area through the Office of Student Engagement offers programs, resources, and services intended to contribute to the social, educational and cultural learning at Albany State University.

The Student Leadership & Development area serves you in the following way:

  1. Assumes major responsibility for the implementation of student’s activities.
  2. Serves as facilitator the development of clubs and organizations in response to student needs and interests
  3. Has responsibility for programming and coordinating student activities on campus
  4. Provides administrative and technical support and advisory services to individuals and groups interested in planning activities. 

Student Organizations provide opportunities for students to get engaged. Student organizations are designed to maximize and enhance the ASU experience. Additionally, Student organization engagement is one way at ASU that provides the chance to build lifelong friendships, to grow personally, to develop as leader, to engage in community service and much much more.

The Albany State University community collaborate with student organizations for the vast majority of the programming that occurs each year including late night programming, concerts, special events, cultural and social events, community service & civic engagement opportunities, lectures and conferences. 

Students can see a full list of organizations and further connect with our office for assistance in finding organizations and events that meet their interests. 

Organizational Leadership Consultants serve as peer-to-peer resources for any student, existing and potential student organizations seeking assistance in finding opportunities for involvement. Learn more about them below.

Organizational Leadership Consultants

The Student Organization Leadership Consultants are a cohort of organizational leaders supported by the Student Leadership & Development area in the Office of Student Engagement. These consultants are trained to work with student organizations on various leadership development topics to foster organizational success. This includes one-on-one consultation meetings open to any organization.

Organizational Leadership Consultants (OLCs) are student leaders with extensive experience in peer-to-peer development. Your group's consultant is your first point of contact. They can assist you with questions about organizing an event, identifying the right contacts for specific requests, or providing an unbiased sounding board to discuss ideas for your group.

We Can Help Your Student Organization

All student organizations can request assistance from the OLC for a variety of reasons. Some examples of what coaches can provide are:

Action Planning

  • Event planning
  • Developing a recruitment strategy
  • Organizing leadership transitions
  • Creating a fundraising plan

Operations Review

  • Constitution review
  • Leadership role restructure
  • Retention methods


  • Inclusive practices and dialogue
  • Risk reduction
  • Organization strengths and growth areas

Resource Referral

  • Member Development
  • Organization Operation
  • Community Engagement