
The Fall 2020 Semester will be a time of change for the University, and we are updating services for student groups to meet that change. Our goals are to ensure groups have opportunities to engage with each other and with campus. As a result, our goals for this site are to:

  • Provide opportunities for students to engage remotely and resources for any necessary in-person gatherings
  • Update processes to ensure uninterrupted, remote access to services


  • Student organization advisors should encourage the group and members to follow the guidance of the University and the State of Georgia regarding the prevention of spread of COVID-19.
  • Student Organizations should follow the guidelines of the Departments that support them as well as RSO guidelines.
  • Encourage student members to be conscientious of the parameters of physical distancing and avoiding high risk behavior and environments.
  • Encourage meetings with the group through virtual means. Please continue to meet regularly with organization leadership.
  • Help students understand the importance of wearing a face covering and physically distancing themselves. 
  • Please note that we take your comfort level very serious. If for some reason, as the semester progresses,  you are not able to serve as advisor, please email our Associate Dean for Student Engagement at We support your needs and understand. We will work together to support both the advisor and organization's needs. 

The guidelines and suspensions of certain activities may be extended beyond Fall 2020 as a result of recommendations from ASU and other public health authorities. 

Student Health Staf


Virtual Activities To Do Together as an Organization

 Also be sure to check our the STUDENT VIRTUAL ENGAGEMENT page for additional ideas. Resouces will also be posted in the RSO Toolkit in GAView


Your organization will be contacted if you receive mail to the Office of Student Engagement with instructions for how to pick it up.

If you have any questions concerning USPS and delivieries please email


Things to Do From Home to Improve Your Organization

  • Update Your Organization's Social Media Pages - Stay Active Online! 
  • Review and Update Your Organization's Documents and Database Information
  • Create New Goals and Objectives For Your Organization


 Best Practices for Managing an Organization Virtually

  • Continue to meet virtually on a regular basis 
  • Meet regularly with your advisor virtually for support
  • Establish a communication plan with your executive team, advisor, and organization----And Student Engagement!
  • Continue to build community with your organization members with online group activities-- Virtual Teambuilding/Wellness Checks
  • Maintain an online social media presence as an organization---a free form of recruitment
  • Keep normal routines and schedules as much as possible
  • Recognize your members and their accomplishments virtually (spotlights, virtual awards, etc.)
  • Use this time to help grow and improve your organization
  • Look for ways to collaborate with another organization. By combining your efforts you add meaningfulness and value to your organization


Ask for help when you need it – we are here for you!


SARS-coronavirus-2 is a new virus infecting people and causing COVID-19 disease. The disease is causing a worldwide pandemic. Although some people never develop any signs or symptoms of disease when they're infected, other people are at very high risk for severe disease and death. People are at higher risk for severe disease and death if they are, older adults, or they have some other kind of pre-existing medical condition, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

There are laboratory tests that can be used to identify if someone has an active infection, or if someone has been infected in the past. And, importantly, for this disease, people are infectious before they become ill, as well as during their illness. People who never develop signs and symptoms can still infect other people. This infection occurs primarily through contact with the respiratory droplets of someone who is infected. Without any intervention, each person can infect two to three other people, which means that the outbreaks can grow in size very quickly. However, if we're able to intervene to prevent even some transmission, we can dramatically reduce the number of cases. And this is the public health goal for controlling COVID-19.


Student Forum





This section will be updated frequently. You should check here for the latest questions and answers.