Student Leadership


"Leadership Development Is a
Life-long Process — But College
Years Are a Critical Period"-Glenn Omatsu

Student leadership is an integral part of student success. It should consist of more than just a student representative sitting in a meeting where student voices hold a low priority and sometimes get lost in the “wisdom” of experience.  Student leadership is the ability of the student body to influence major decisions about its quality of education and learning environment. Influencing major decisions requires a “listening” and a “valuing” and the incorporation of the ideas that students propose.

The Office of Student Engagement place high value on the experience of learning, and learning to lead is no different. We want students who have a passion to learn and grow into their leadership potential to start leading in this community as soon as possible. Our leadership programming is designed to assist the experience of leading. There are so many ways for students to get involved and put their strengths to work!

There Are Many Levels To Leadership...Start Where You Are!

Visist Our Leadership Library

Explore Some Self-Paced Opportunities for Development

Leadership Library

Under the auspicies of the Office of Student Engagement and the Division of Student Affairs the following groups serve as extension units of pre-professional leaders serving the students of Albany State University in governance, programming, mentorship and overall development. 

By clicking the corresponding pictures below, you may visit each group's webpage to learn more about the services they offer to the campus. 

SGAThe Royal CourtSAAB     P3

MALES  Girls Night In         CLASS