EAB Early Alert

Early Alerts are a mechanism for highlighting challenges students are encountering in their classes early enough to connect them with appropriate resources and mitigate poor academic performance prior to mid-term.  They are a wake-up call for the student to address specific issues in time to academically recover prior to the end of the semester.

Faculty can submit alerts at any time of the semester by going into EAB Navigate.  Outreach to students will vary according to the specific type of alert and may come via phone, text, email, or personal visit from an academic advisor, a success coach, a tutor, or an instructor. It is expected that students be fully engaged in their own success, work together with support staff to develop a student success plan, and willingly participate in the improvement of their academic outcomes.

Progress Reports for freshmen and other identified groups are submitted at Weeks 4 of the semester.  Progress reports provide an informal assessment of a student’s progress at that point in the semester.  If a student is identified to be “at-risk” to fail the course, the professor provides one or more reasons for this identification.  Each reason is treated as a separate alert. It is recommended that students contact the professor directly with any questions about how they are doing in a course and how they can realistically recover prior to the end of the semester.

Mid-Term Grades are released in Week 9 of every semester (see the Academic Calendar for more specific dates).  Mid-term grades do not affect a student's GPA, but are meant for students to use as a barometer for their own progress.  Students will be contacted by their academic advisor, student success coach, and their instructors to discuss academic recovery options.  

Type of Alerts

  • Attendance/Online Alert: The student has missed 1-2 classes or has not participated in GAView this week.
  • Chronic Absences (Concern): The students has 3 or more absences, has not logged into the online course shell in the past seven days, or has attendance alerts in multiple courses.
  • Disposition/Attitude: The student exhibits unprofessional, disrespectful, or hostile behavior towards faculty and/or peers or the instructor is concerned about a persistent lack of engagement or displays of negative emotions.
  • Failed Quiz/Exam: The student fails a quiz, exam, or assignment.
  • Late/Missed Assignment: The student has not turned in required assignments or is habitually turning in assignments past the published due date.
  • No books/classes: The student has not purchased the required materials for the course or has not completed out-of-class policies/procedures necessary to pass the class.


Spring 2025 Progress Reporting Period

  • Week 1:  January 13-16, 2025 (Log-On/Attendance Check)
  • Week 2:  January 23, 2025 (Drops for Non-Attendance)
  • Week 4: February 3-9, 2025 (Progress Reports)


Contact Us

Ms.  Aaliyah Howard
Student Retention Coordinator


(229) 500-2839