Applicant FAQ

The Department of Nursing has compiled responses to some of the most frequently asked questions. For further information or clarification, please contact our offices at (229) 500-2329.

Application Questions

YES. The Department of Nursing cannot evaluate applicants who have not first been accepted into the University. Therefore, it is recommended that students apply to the University at least 1 month prior to submitting an application for the nursing program.
YES. In addition to the application and documentation submitted for admission into the University (whether as an undergraduate or graduate student), students applying to one of the Department of Nursing's programs are required to submit a separate application for admission (or, in some instances, readmission) found exclusively on the Department's webpage.
All nursing applications can be found by selecting either the "APPLY NOW!" button on the home landing page for the Department or, alternatively, by clicking the "Nursing Applications" button on the sidebar.
Applicants will be notified via mail as to the decision made on their applications following the conclusion of the designated application period. Please contact the Department of Nursing for specific anticipated feedback date(s).
NO. Due to program interest, we are unable to offer deferred acceptance into our nursing programs, and applicants will be required to submit another application if they are unable to attend the semester for which they were initially accepted. Please be aware that acceptance into the University may be deferred if done in advance, and inquiries regarding this matter may be directed to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.
Please be aware that all programs under the Department of Nursing have limited enrollment, as our accrediting and approving bodies required a certain faculty-to-student ratio be maintained. Students are selected based on academic performance (GPA), Core course completion, entrance exam performance (if applicable), and other qualifications related to academic and professional potential. Although the exact explanation for not accepting students is included in the decision letter sent to applicants, common explanations for denials included the following:
  • Application submitted prior to being accepted into the University in good standing
  • Program at full capacity
  • Low or insufficient GPA
  • Low or insufficient TEAS scores
NO. However, due to the high application load in our ASN program, there is the potential for a temporary, semester-exclusive "waiting list," but this is NOT guaranteed. Within this context, qualified applicants would be informed (via decision letter) that while the program is currently at capacity, their ranking was high enough to potentially allow them acceptance into the program should other fully accepted applicants elect to give up their seat in the program. A representative from the ASN program would contact individuals on this waiting list should this situation occur. Please be aware that placement on the waiting list does NOT guarantee acceptance or enrollment in the ASN program, and students should fully anticipate having to reapply for the next acceptance phase of the program. Additionally, this waiting list is cleared at the beginning of each semester, so applicants placed on this waiting list would still need to apply again for admission into the ASN program if not selected.

Admission Criteria Questions

The nursing entrance exam is the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS), offered through ATI Testing. For our associate degree programs, the current minimum qualifying score is 65.0. For our bachelor degree programs, the currently minimum qualifying score is 70.0. Applicants are required to achieve the minimum qualifying score within no more than two (2) attempts within 12 months prior to application.
NO. Successful attainment of your professional RN licensure requires passing the NCLEX-RN, which is sufficient for entry purposes.
The GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) is not required as part of the admission criteria for entry into our graduate nursing programs. However, if the Graduate School—the overarching body comprising all graduate-level programs to which all applicants must apply prior to being considered for our graduate nursing programs—requires this exam to be taken. Consequently, please contact the University's Graduate School
The TEAS exam is offered by Assessment Technologies Institute®, LLC, and is scheduled through their ATI Testing website. Applicants are able to take the TEAS at any official ATI Testing Center, including Albany State University's own West Campus Testing Center, and an official copy of his/her scores must be provided upon application to the program. Applicants who take the TEAS exam at ASU may submit a printed copy of their official results page with the application and money order. However, applicants who take the exam at a site outside of ASU will be required to purchase the "TEAS transcript" through ATI Testing's only store and indicate they wish to have their score transferred to the University.
NO. Due to the high volume of applications received for our nursing programs, TEAS scores must be submitted at the time of application. Applications submitted without TEAS scores are not eligible for consideration.
In general, 2.8 is the minimum required GPA for our undergraduate programs, excluding the Accelerated BSN program (which requires a 3.0 graduating GPA). However, please be aware that while our RN-to-BSN program utilizes a student's "true" cumulative GPA (GPA), our ASN and BSN programs utilize a unique GPA variant referred to as the Nursing Grade Point Average (NGPA). Please refer to the topics that follow regarding the NGPA for further information.
As detailed above, our ASN and Generic BSN program (which excludes the Accelerated BSN program) utilize a unique variant referred to as a student's Nursing GPA (NGPA). The NGPA is calculated as follows:
  • For our ASN programs, an applicant's initial NGPA will be based on his/her performance in Human Anatomy and Physiology I, English Composition I, and math elective (Quantitative Reasoning, College Algebra, or higher-level MATH course). However, any additional Core coursework applicable to the attainment of the ASN degree will also be included in this calculation if completed prior to entry into the ASN program; course that are in progress at the time of application are not considered in this calculation.
  • For our BSN programs, only the grades from the following courses will be used to compute an applicant's NGPA: Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II, Microbiology, two (2) sequential courses in an Area D science (either Biology I & II or Chemistry I & II), English Composition I & II, Human Growth & Development, and Pre-Nursing Seminar. No other Core coursework will be considered in this calculation.

YES. All grades received  (including any failures and repeats) within the past 10 years are factored into the NGPA calculation. Coursework taken greater than 10 years ago (excluding Anatomy and Physiology courses) will be considered as satisfying the Core requirement but will not be included in the NGPA calculation.

NO. For the Accelerated BSN program, only the GPA attained upon graduation with the initial baccalaureate degree is considered in to 3.0 graduating GPA calculation.
The only Core coursework that has an established expiration is Anatomy and Physiology. The age limit of these courses varies depending on the program of interest:
  • For our ASN programs, if the applicant is not an active healthcare professional (LPN or paramedic), his/her Anatomy and Physiology courses will need to be repeated if greater than 5 years old at the time of potential admission into the program. If the applicant is an active healthcare professional (LPN or paramedic), these courses will need to be repeated if greater than 8 years old at the time of potential admission into the program.
    • ASN applicants may elect to either retake both Anatomy and Physiology courses OR retake only Anatomy and Physiology II as a "refresher" course to meet this science requirement. Students must earn a "C" or higher in the courses that have been retaken.
  • For our BSN programs, if either of the applicant's Anatomy and Physiology courses are greater than 6 years old at the time of potential admission into the program, the applicant must retake the course(s) and pass with a "C" or better.
Additionally, although not technically an "expiration," science courses that are 5 years of age or older may be reviewed by the department chairperson and/or program chairperson on a case-by-case basis.

Transfer Questions

Unfortunately, the Department of Nursing is not involved in the process of transfer articulation for applicants interested in attending Albany State University. Rather, this process is handled exclusively by the Office of Academic Services and Registrar by our Transfer Support Specialist(s), so it is recommended that applicants contact this office for all official answers. However, Albany State University typically accepts transfer credits from other regionally accredited colleges and universities. A grade of "C" or better is required, and credit is issued for equivalent courses in the student’s curriculum at Albany State University.
  • For associate-level applicants, a maximum of 45 credit hours of academic work may be articulated onto a student's academic transcript.
  • For baccalaureate-level applicants, a maximum of 90 credit hours may be articulated onto a student's academic transcript.
  • For graduate-level applicants, please contact the Graduate School for information regarding transfer articulations.
A limited number of credits earned by correspondence may be transferred if they carry satisfactory grades and meet curricular requirements. An evaluation of credits accepted in transfer will be furnished to the students once all transcripts are received by the University. Credit earned by Albany State University students attending other colleges or universities as transient students will be treated in the same manner as described above.
NO. Applicants will not receive transfer credit for nursing courses completed at institutions other than Albany State University. However, please be aware that while the credits would not transfer, nursing course failures may detrimentally impact your eligibility for program consideration.
Only 9 semester credit hours may be transferred from another accredited institution to Albany State University for the purpose of partially fulfilling requirements for the Master's of Science in Nursing degree. Transfer credits are subject to the following requirements:
  • Transfer credits must be approved in advance by the Graduate Nursing Programs Director.
  • Transfer credits are limited to courses in which a grade of "B" or better was awarded.
  • The approved transfer credits cannot be older than 6 years by the date of graduation.
  • Courses offered for transfer credit must not have been used in fulfillment of another degree.
  • Courses offered for transfer credit must have the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs following the recommendations of the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Darton College of Health Professions.
  • Acceptance of transfer credit does not reduce the residency requirement.
  • A petition of acceptance of transfer credit must be filed with an official academic transcript and a copy of the catalog description(s) of the transfer course(s).
  • The credit hours may not exceed the 9 semester hours of graduate credit allowed by transfer credit.
  • The course(s) must be taken in residence at an accredited institution and not by correspondence.
  • The course(s) must be designated as graduate course(s) in an approved graduate program.
  • The course(s) must be equated with course(s) in the curriculum of the graduate program or considered as an acceptable elective.
  • The student should follow up on the application for transfer credits within 1 month of the application date, provided that no response has been received.
Please contact the Department of Nursing to receive the contact information for the appropriate Program Director and/or Faculty Advisor, as these individuals may be able to assist in this evaluation. Alternatively, you may also contact the Academic Advising and Retention Center to speak with one of our Academic Success Coaches.

Program Questions

YES. Our Healthcare-Professional-to-RN Bridge program is offered at our Cordele campus.
YES. The following programs' nursing courses are taught completely online:
  • RN-to-BSN Undergraduate Program
  • RN-to-MSN FNP Program
  • RN-to-MSN NE Program
  • MSN FNP Graduate Program
  • MSN NE Graduate Program
  • Post-Master's Certification (FNP) Program
  • Post-Master's Certification (NE) Program
Undergraduates: NO. With the exception of the Cordele Healthcare-Professional-to-RN Bridge programs, clinical experiences are held in our clinical skills lab(s) on Albany State University's West Campus, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, and other facilities in the surrounding area as needed. Clinical experiences for the Cordele Bridge programs are held in our clinical skills lab(s), Magnolia Manor, Phoebe Sumter, and Crisp Regional, as well as other facilities within the surrounding area as needed.
Graduates: YES.
As our graduate nursing programs are hosted completely online, virtually any clinical site can be utilized to complete clinical experiences (with approval from the Department's Graduate Program). Students enrolled in this program are required to submit a Clinical Site Request Form each semester in order to ensure that the University is able to establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the requested site. Alternatively, students may also contact the Department of Nursing's Graduate Program to receive a list of site with which the University already has an established relationship.
The Healthcare Professional to RN Bridge program is an accelerated Associate Degree Nursing program for paramedics and LPNs. Applicants must:
  • Be eligible for admission to Albany State University and the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
  • Hold a valid Paramedic certification or LPN license with a minimum of one year of experience.
The Hybrid nursing program is part of the generic nursing program and is not an accelerated program. It is designed for students who are not able to attend class Monday-Friday during the day, such as individuals who work during the week. Persons interested in applying to the January hybrid track will need to meet the same requirements as other students seeking admission to ASU Nursing. Additionally, students wishing to enter the on-line (hybrid) track will need the following:
  • Priority will be given to students who have completed all core classes required for nursing;
  • A minimum overall college GPA of 2.8, regardless of SAT/ACT scores;
  • Evidence of prior learning experience in an on-line format
  • No previous failing grades in other nursing programs.
Students who are accepted into the hybrid track will have to meet all of the same theory and clinical requirements as traditional classroom students. Students will be expected to complete on-line assignments and actively participate in on-line discussion forums. All testing will be performed on the ASU campus under the supervision of an ASU Nursing faculty member. Likewise, all clinical assignments will be completed in the Albany area healthcare facilities under direct supervision of ASU clinical faculty. Students will be required to travel to Albany during the semester to complete these requirements. There is no guarantee that clinicals will be performed on certain days or during specific hours. Some clinical assignments will occur during the weekdays while others may require weekend participation.