Live Text

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LiveText is an assessment and accreditation management system with data collecting capabilities. The online tool for education students allows them to maintain a collection of their work and to expand their use of technology. By incorporating this online program into the School of education, students can now create an e-portfolio, submit assignments online, and review professor feedback.

With the purchase of LiveText Standard (C1) with the Field Experience Module (FEM), students can track field experiences and have a platform for communication during the clinical practice semesters.

  • Your membership provides you with a personal account for five years, which should be active for at least one year after graduation. 
  • Students are able to access their e-portfolios created with LiveText and share the links with prospective employees even after they have graduated from the institution.
  • LiveText also helps the School of Education collect data to ensure the accreditation for our EPP.

 From all of the teacher candidate work completed in the LiveText system, the School of Education will select certain assignments or projects in particular courses from which to gather data to assess the quality of our degree programs, courses, and teacher candidates.  Some of this data will be extracted from course assignments and their corresponding grades.  The School of Education will also be collecting data at various intervals on the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and professional growth of our teacher candidates as they progress through their degree programs. 

To learn more about LiveText, see