Chair's Message

Thank you for visiting the site of the Natural Sciences department here at Albany State University. I hope you enjoy your viewing of our department and what we have to offer prospective students, potential industrial partners, and the citizens of southwest Georgia.

As the Chair of the department, I am honored to serve our institution and the students who are desirous of a solid, affirming education. I am a graduate of this department, and I recognize and celebrate the excellence that emanates from these hallowed halls and the rich legacy that the Natural Sciences department has built.This department has produced graduates who have reached unfathomable heights in their respective career fields, whether it be medicine, pharmacy, research, biotechnology, public health, or myriad other professional paths.These alumni continue to be shining examples of the impact Albany State University can make on the lives of our students, and as a benefactor of this impact, I am thankful for all that ASU is and will be in the future.

Because of this rich history of success, I am committed to guiding our department into new and exciting opportunities. We continue to be one of the strongest Natural Sciences departments in the region, and we take pride in providing our students with the academic foundation, professional development, and strengthening of character necessary to become the burgeoning scholars that they are destined to be. We are committed to producing career-ready, service-minded graduates who are prepared to make a global impact. 

In closing, I encourage all visitors to reach out to us for more information and to learn what the Natural Sciences department at ASU can do for you. We believe in the power of education to change lives, and if you are looking for a pathway to a wonderful career in the sciences, then allow me to be the first to say welcome and I look forward to supporting your amazing journey.


John L. Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology and Chair
Department of Natural Sciences
Albany State University
Office BCB 228G
Albany, GA 31705