Color Palette

Albany State University officially uses three colors in its logo. The values are listed as a spot color value, RGB, CMYK, and Hexadecimal equivalent. 

ASU Official Colors

ASU Blue

PMS #286

Color System Specifications
RGB R: 0 G: 51 B: 160
CYMK C: 100 M: 91 Y: 2 K: 1
HEX #0033A0
PMS #286

ASU Gold


Color System Specifications
RGB R: 234 G: 170 B: 0
CYMK C: 0 M: 30 Y: 100 K: 0
PMS #124

ASU Gray

Image of ASU Gray color

Color System Specifications
RGB R: 117 G: 120 B: 123
CYMK C: 30 M: 22 Y: 17 K: 57
HEX #75787B
PMS Cool Gray 9 

Color placement used
on ASU logo

Color Use ASU Logo 02

  1. Logotype should be blue or black. If used against a dark background, the type should be white.
  2. The flame should always be gold. If gold is not available as a color, print with black ink, screen to 50%.
  3. If the type is blue or black, print “AS” mark in blue or black to match. When two or more colors of ink are used, “AS” should contrast with flame.
  4. The bar at the bottom should be gray. Bar and “AS” may be printed in the same color or contrasting.
  5. University System of Georgia should be blue or black. If used against a dark background, type.