Student Achievement Outcomes

Commensurate with our commitment to “excellence in teaching and learning, Albany State University (ASU) offers a “broad array of graduate, baccalaureate, associate, and certificate programs”. In line with the mission of the University, the specific ASU Goals to “Aspire to Excellence” and “Expand Access to Higher Education”, reflect an institution wide commitment to retaining, supporting, and graduating students in a timely fashion.

To that end, ASU establishes appropriate and measurable targets and outcomes for our students based on program type, student demographic and the overall mission of the University.


Criterion for Achievement: Retention Rates

The University annually monitors first-year retention rates of first-time full-time freshmen, bachelor degree-seeking students as a measure of the success of its undergraduate programs.

The target for the retention rate of first-time full-time freshmen students at ASU are 1) to exceed the median of ASU’s SACSCOC peer institutions, or 2) to exceed the University’s previous year’s rate.

Minimal threshold for achieving student success: 70%

Cohort  Number of
Students in Cohort
Number Retained Performance
Fall 2023 462 363 78.6%
Fall 2022 264 207 78.4%
Fall 2021 439 299 68.1%
Fall 2020 444 289 65.1%
Fall 2019 332 246 74.1%

Source: University System of Georgia


Criterion for Achievement: Six-Year Graduation Rates

The University annually monitors its six-year graduation rates of first-time full-time freshmen, bachelor degree-seeking students as a measure of success of its undergraduate program.

The target for the six-year baccalaureate graduate rates are 1) to exceed the average of ASU's SACSCOC peer institutions or 2) to exceed the University's previous year's graduation rate.

Minimal threshold for achieving student success: 39%

Cohort  Number of
Students in Cohort
Number Graduated Performance
Fall 2018 408 135 33.1%
Fall 2017 602 175 29.1%
Fall 2016 436 162 37.2%
Fall 2015 477 167 35.0%

 Source: University System of Georgia


Criterion for Achievement: Three-Year Graduation Rates

The University annually monitors its three-year graduation rates of first-time full-time freshmen, Associate degree-seeking students as a measure of success of its Associate degree programs.

The national average three-year graduation rate for Associate degrees earned in community colleges was used at the minimum threshold for achieving student success.

The targets for the three-year graduation rates are to exceed the median of the University's previous year's three-year graduation rates.

Minimal threshold for achieving student success: 25%

Cohort  Number of
Student in Cohort
Number Graduated Performance
Fall 2021 460 71 15.4%
Fall 2020 761 123 16.2%
Fall 2019 988 173 17.5%
Fall 2018 1,109 123 11.1%
Fall 2017 774 37 4.8% 

Source: University System of Georgia


Degrees Conferred

The University annually monitors the number of undergraduate degrees conferred as a success of its undergraduate programs. The target for undergraduate degrees conferred is to meet or exceed the average of the University's previous three years' numbers. The minimum threshold serves to ensure that our numbers don’t drop below levels approximating those we have maintained over the last several years.

Minimal threshold for achieving student success: 1,000

Degree Type FY 2024 FY 2023  FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2020
 Associates 362 383 384 196 218
Career Associate 183 239 314 241 333
Bachelor's 680 623 585 502 496
Total 1225 1,245 1,283 939 1,047

Source: University System of Georgia


Graduate / Professional Degrees Conferred

The university annually monitors the number graduate degrees conferred as a success of its graduate programs. The target for graduate/professional degrees conferred is to meet or exceed the average of the University’s previous three years’ numbers. The minimum threshold serves to ensure that our numbers don’t drop below levels approximating those we have maintained over the last several years:

Minimal threshold for achieving student success: 150

Degree Type FY 2024 FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2020
Master's  171 189 148 123 102
Education Specialist 1 5 7 11 1
Total 172 194 155 134 103

Source: University System of Georgia


Certificates Awarded

The university annually monitors the number certificates awarded as a success of its certificate programs. The target for certificates awarded is to meet or exceed the average of the University’s previous three years’ numbers. The minimum threshold serves to ensure that our numbers don’t drop below levels approximating those we have maintained over the last several years:

Minimal threshold for achieving student success: 30

Degree Type FY 2024 FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2020
Under 1 Year Certificates 11 6 9 10 11
1 Year Certificates  3 2 1 0 9
Total  14 8 10 10 20

Source: University System of Georgia


Health Sciences State and National Board Pass Rates

Currently, ASU’s Nursing and Health Sciences programs are accredited by twelve specialized accrediting agencies (9). Albany State University tracks achievement on National and State licensure exams offered through these agencies. Where applicable, the results are also included as a part of the Assessment for Improvement Reports where the exam scores are indicated as a measure for Student Learning Outcomes.

The target scores or minimal threshold for achieving student success was determined by the faculty of the Darton College of Health Professions and based on: 1) past student performance, 2) requirements from specialized accrediting bodies and agencies, and 3) state averages of effective measures.

Degree Type FY 2024 FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2020 Target Pass Rate (%)
Nursing (ASN - 86 73 72 77 80
Nursing (BSN) - 100 79 100 100 80
Advanced EMT (Not Accredited) - - - - -
Paramedic - 60 67 60 86 70 
Dental Hygiene - 100 89 70 100 70 
Diagnostic Medical Sonography 84 82 77 70 92 60 
Histologic Technology 83 100 100 80 100 75
Health Information Technology 100 75 100 67 67 70
Medical Lab Technology - 94 78 85 83 75
Occupational Therapy Assistant - 13 8 50 63 80
Physical Therapy Assistant - 100 100 100 87 80
Radiologic Science - 100 100 86 90 80
Respiratory Therapy - 90 22.2 54.5 72.7 60

Source: Darton College of Health Professions


Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators
(GACE) Pass Rates

GACE is Georgia’s state-approved educator certification assessment program. These computer-delivered assessments have been developed by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) and Educational Testing Service (ETS). The purpose of the GACE assessments is to help the GaPSC ensure that candidates have the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job of an educator in Georgia’s public schools.

The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) has an 80% or higher pass rate requirement. ASU’s minimum threshold is set according to this requirement.

Minimal Threshold for Student Achievement: 80% 

Assessments  2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021   2019-2020 2018-2019
Number Taking Assessment1 43 50 43 60 49
Number Passing Assessment2 43 49 43 60 48
Institutional Pass Rate 100% 98% 100% 100% 98%

1 Number of completers (initial certification in teacher education) taking one or more assessments within their area of specialization.

2 Summary level “Number Taking Assessment” may differ from assessment level “Number Taking Assessment” because each student is counted once at the summary level but may be counted in multiple assessments at the assessment level.

3 Source: Educational Testing Service (ETS), Title II Reporting Services, Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) academic year report for Albany State University.