All OTA students are required to purchase a name tag, uniforms as specified by clinical
sites, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, goniometer (large and hand) and a watch with a
sweep second hand.
In order to successfully complete the clinical fieldwork and work effectively as an OTA,
students are required to possess the following functional abilities and critical skills:
Able to stand, walk on all surfaces, stoop, bend, kneel, crouch and sit for long
periods of time.
Able to maintain good balance to assist with gait and transfer training.
Able to transfer or maneuver (by self or with assistance) patients weighing up
to 300 pounds.
Able to lift, push, pull and carry objects weighing up to fifty pounds.
Able to reach above and below the waist.
Able to manually and visually operate and/or manipulate wheelchair, mobility
aids, ambulation devices, instrumentation and equipment.
Able to visually and cognitively assess changes in a patient’s condition.
Able to question the patient and relay information about the patient verbally
and in writing.
Able to wear appropriate protective equipment and to tolerate unsightly,
noxious environments.
Able to manage physical, emotional and mental stress effectively.
Able to tolerate other’s value systems, morals, cultures, sexual orientation and
religious beliefs.
Re-Admission of Returning Students:
Because of the sequential nature of the course
offerings, students must complete all courses in a Semester before advancing in the
program. If a student is experiencing a first time failure, the student may re-apply to the
OTA program for admission in the next fall class. Students reapplying to the OTA
program must maintain the same requirements expected of all applicants outlined in the
OTA Application Packet. OTA courses more than two years old will have to be repeated.
More than one “D” and/or “F” in the OTA curriculum will result in permanent dismissal
from the program. (This may be two courses or failure of the same course twice.)
The OTA program reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the enrollment of an OTA
student if, in the judgment of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the OTA faculty
and the Dean of the Health Science Division, the student does not appear to have the
necessary qualifications for a career as an OTA.
Due to the fact that pre-requisites for the Occupational Therapy Masters programs are
different, graduation from the OTA program will not necessarily prepare the student for
entry into an Occupational Therapy professional education program. Students wishing to
pursue a career an Occupational Therapist should enroll as an Occupational Therapy