Darton State College Catalog 2013 - 2014 - page 163

Choose two of the following courses:
ENGL 2111 or
World Literature I or
ENGL 2112 or
World Literature II or
ENGL 2121 or
British Literature I or
ENGL 2122 or
British Literature II or
ENGL 2131 or
American Literature I or
ENGL 2132 or
American Literature II or
ENGL 2210 or
Creative Writing or
ENGL 2220 or
Writing Non-Fiction or
ENGL 2230 or
Professional and Technical Writing or
SOCI 1101 or
Principles of Sociology or
PSYC 1101 or
General Psychology or
HIST 1111 or
Survey of World History I or
HIST 1112 or
Survey of World History II or
HIST 2111 or
U.S. History Through 1877 or
HIST 2112 or
U.S. History After 1877 or
THEA 1100 or
Theatre Appreciation or
FIAR 2250 or
Humanities Through the Arts or
MUSC 1100 or
Music Appreciation or
PHIL 2010 or
Introduction to Philosophy
Area G
Physical Education – (3 courses)**
Two-Year Total
*Critical Thinking Overlay-All Students must satisfy the critical thinking overlay. This
requirement must be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of one of the following courses.
This competency is usually satisfied in Area B or C.
COMM 1000 Cultural Diversity in Communication
COMM 1100 Human Communications
COMM 1110 Public Speaking
***A B.A. degree at some institutions in the University System of Georgia requires foreign
language credit through the intermediate level. A B.S. degree at some institutions in the
University System of Georgia requires foreign language through the first intermediate
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