Department of Visual & Performing Arts

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Thank you for visiting the Department of Visual and Performing Arts website and exploring the numerous opportunities to engage in creative endeavors.  Art, Music, Theatre, Dance, and Music Education in collaboration with the College of Education comprise the Department of Visual and Performing Arts and undergraduate degrees are offered in each discipline. Curricular programs in all disciplines emphasize both the academic and the artistic education of students while supporting the institution’s mission. Each division seeks to prepare its majors to become competent professionals in an artistic area by providing classes and activities that are both challenging and stimulating in an atmosphere that encourages intellectual, artistic, technological, and personal growth. The department also provides core curriculum courses, Art Appreciation, Music Appreciation, and Dance Appreciation. Each division is fortunate to have talented and dedicated faculty members who are committed to serving and guiding students during their academic tenure.


Admin Staff Office Hours Office Location Contact Information
Monday - Friday 3rd Floor - Fine Arts Center Telephone: (229) 500-2216
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 504 College Drive  
  Albany, GA. 31705